Top "Maven-2" questions

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.

Maven - pass argument to use in exec-maven-plugin

in my pom I've added the exec-maven-plugin to call a java class which will generate a file. This class requires …

maven-2 exec-maven-plugin
Maven - activate child profile based on property

Scenario: Given Parent POM which defines a profile and a child (as module) Child project(s) that will be using …

maven-2 profile activation
Convert files to UNIX format using Maven

I have an application that is developed in a Windows environment. The application itself gets deployed to a Linux environment. …

java maven-2 dos2unix
Multiple Dependency Scopes in POM

I have a dependency in my POM that needs to be set to "provided" so it is not included at …

maven-2 maven dependency-management pom.xml
Execute build.xml with Maven

Is it possible to execute build.xml script with Maven? This script checksout all my projects and subprojects and I've …

svn maven-2 svn-checkout
Is there a way to "fail fast" for junit with the maven surefire plugin?

I'm currently working on a java project using maven. We use the maven surefire plugin to run our junit suite …

maven-2 junit surefire
How to create web application Maven archetype for Eclipse?

I have a working or mostly working POM that fetches all and exactly just the JARs that interest me for …

eclipse maven-2 maven-archetype
How to package an Apache CXF application into a monolithic JAR with the Maven "shade" plugin

I am writing a console-based Java application, intended to be run by cron in a batch-processing manner. The batch-processing application …

java maven-2 maven cxf
How to configure hbm2java and hbm2dao to add packagename to generated classes

I'm trying to configure hbm2java with maven to generate POJO classes and DAO objects. One of the issues I'm …

hibernate maven-2 hibernate-tools hbm2java
How to use or abuse artifact classifiers in maven?

We are currently attempting to port a very (very) large project built with ant to maven (while also moving to …

maven-2 maven-3 pom.xml project-structure classification