Top "Project-structure" questions

Refers to layout of folders and components to help organize a project's files, whether code or resources

What is the best project structure for a Python application?

Imagine that you want to develop a non-trivial end-user desktop (not web) application in Python. What is the best way …

python directory-structure organization project-structure
Find a class somewhere inside dozens of JAR files?

How would you find a particular class name inside lots of jar files? (Looking for the actual class name, not …

java class jar project-structure text-search
Representing Directory & File Structure in Markdown Syntax

I want to describe directory & file structures in some of my Jekyll blog posts, does Markdown provide a neat …

unicode markdown jekyll directory-structure project-structure
Best practice for Django project working directory structure

I know there is actually no single right way. However I've found that it's hard to create a directory structure …

django directory-structure organization project-structure
Package name does not correspond to the file path - IntelliJ

I'm trying to import a project from VCS (well, I'm doing it for the first time actually) and this is …

intellij-idea packages project-structure
Android Studio not showing modules in project structure

I am using Android studio and I want to add module to my project like "action bar Sherlock" or jar …

android module android-studio project-structure
IntelliJ IDE | .iml File lost or deleted

Last week I was working on a Java EE project with IntelliJ IDE. Today: As I started up my IntelliJ 2016.1 …

java tomcat intellij-idea project-structure
Unable to make the module: related gradle configuration was not found. Please, re-import the Gradle project and try again

I use IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 14 and Gradle 1.2. I manage the project from the console, but I need to debug some …

intellij-idea gradle project-structure
Maven complaining about parent relative path

Consider a maven project with modules consists of some utilities (jar) and some poms for others to reference to if …

maven pom.xml project-structure parent-pom
Android Studio: “new module -> import existing project” vs. “import module”

What I have: Four independently working Android modules: MyProjectMainModule, a main container application, attached to MyProject MyGradleModule, a library, with …

android module android-studio android-gradle-plugin project-structure