Top "Maven-2" questions

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.

How to configure a subproject dependency in Maven without deploying jars?

I googled this and it seems that no one has an answer, yet it seems like such an elementary thing …

maven-2 module subproject
Output failed test details to stdout using maven surefire

When I run my build using maven 2 mvn clean install my tests are run by surefire plug-in. In case test …

java testing maven-2 maven-surefire-plugin
maven report on licenses your project depends on

I've got a big multi-module project, and I'd like to generate a report that shows all the licenses of all …

maven-2 licensing
The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library

I use SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.0. Recently I added the commons-compress dependency to pom.xml as required by jackrabbit 2.0 dependency. Updating …

maven-2 dependencies wildcard springsource sts-springsourcetoolsuite maven repo - JMS artifact missing

I just created a new Maven project using the default archetype and added the following dependency to my POM file. &…

maven-2 jar repository jms
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.0

I switched from q4e Helios to Indigo m2e plugin and my Maven 2 project no longer works. I had …

eclipse maven-2 maven spring-roo m2e
Maven classpath order issues

Does anyone know of a way to set a specific classpath order in Maven2, rather than the random ordering I …

maven-2 classpath
Maven Buildnumber plugin - Git

The Maven Buildnumber plugin doesn't appear to work with GIT yet. Is there a workaround for the time being? I …

git maven maven-2 maven-scm buildnumber-maven-plugin
Exclude target folder from search results in Eclipse

I was wondering if it's possible to exclude target folder from eclipse quick search : Ctrl+Shift+R If anyone knows …

eclipse jakarta-ee maven-2