Top "Springsource" questions

SpringSource is an application framework for Java, orientated at Enterprise applications.

System.console() returns null

I was using readLine of BufferedReader to get input/new password from user, but wanted to mask the password so …

java eclipse console springsource
What is the difference between spring factory-method and factory-bean?

I am new Springs. In Bean tag I found factory-method and factory-bean Attributes. What is the difference between factory-method and …

java spring spring-mvc spring-social springsource
SpringSource Tool Suite (STS): How to run server and Java project through the IDE?

I'm using the latest version of SpringSource Tool Suite (STS). I have set up a Java project. My code has …

sts-springsourcetoolsuite springsource
Understanding basic Spring Framework and Total Flow

I am new to the Spring Framework. Please guide me regarding basic understanding of Spring. I know Java and JSF, …

spring spring-3 springsource spring2.x
Difference Between Spring JDBC Vs Plain JDBC?

What is the main difference between Spring JDBC VS JDBC?

java spring jdbc spring-jdbc springsource
The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library

I use SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.0. Recently I added the commons-compress dependency to pom.xml as required by jackrabbit 2.0 dependency. Updating …

maven-2 dependencies wildcard springsource sts-springsourcetoolsuite
Can I disable the Dashboard window when SpringSource Tool Suite starts up?

There apparently used to be a toggle switch on the Dashboard itself, but that's gone, and I can't find anything …

ide sts-springsourcetoolsuite springsource
Quick way to set custom syntax highlighting in Eclipse

I know I'm not the first to need this. I am working on an in house created codebase and I …

eclipse syntax-highlighting springsource
Selecting multiple values from select tag - Grails

Could you please anyone tell me how to get multiple values from <g:select multiple="multiple" ... I have this …

grails groovy springsource
SpringSource Tool Suite - can't run a Spring Template Project

I'm trying to learn about Spring using SpringSource Tool Suite. I haven't had much successful experience with either at this …

spring sts-springsourcetoolsuite springsource tcserver