Understanding basic Spring Framework and Total Flow

user1407297 picture user1407297 · Jul 6, 2012 · Viewed 29.9k times · Source

I am new to the Spring Framework. Please guide me regarding basic understanding of Spring. I know Java and JSF, but I don't know anything about Struts or other frameworks. I have searched the Internet and was able to download a PDF, but I don't understand the Spring flow like I understand JSF flow. Please provide me with links for a simple way to understand Spring's flow.


Anil Satija picture Anil Satija · Apr 23, 2014
  • Transition 1 – User sends request to server by submitting form / by clicking hyperlink etc. Request is initially given to WEB.XML.
  • Transition 2 – WEB.XML routes request to DispatcherServlet by looking at tag.
  • Transition 3 – Inside DispatcherServlet, First ‘HandlerMapping’ handed over request to suitable ‘Controller’.
  • Transition 4 – Controller maps request to proper Model class. All BUSINESS LOGIC is done inside Model class.
  • Transition 5 – If database operation is needed then Model class will route request to suitable DAO. All database operations should be carried out in DAO.
  • Transition6 – If needed then attach attributes into request/session/application scope and return back to Model.
  • Transition 7 – If needed then attach attributes into request/session/application scope and return back to Controller.
  • Transition 8 – Controller simply returns it to any View (JSP/HTML etc).
  • Transition 9 – JSP/Html is viewed back to user.

Spring MVC Application Flow: