Top "Buildnumber-maven-plugin" questions

This mojo is designed to get a unique build number for each time you build your project

Is it possible to use maven buildnumber plugin to generate build number without any scm check?

Getting the following exception while using maven build number plugin. Is it possible to disable SCM check while using the …

maven build-numbers buildnumber-maven-plugin
Maven build number plugin, how to save the build number in a file?

I've a Java project using Spring Framework and Git and I wanted to display a build number. I found the …

maven build maven-plugin buildnumber-maven-plugin
Can I set the project version with a buildnumber-maven-plugin?

I'm trying to add the svn.revision to project version as a build number and can't seem to do so. …

maven-2 maven-plugin buildnumber-maven-plugin
Maven Buildnumber plugin - Git

The Maven Buildnumber plugin doesn't appear to work with GIT yet. Is there a workaround for the time being? I …

git maven maven-2 maven-scm buildnumber-maven-plugin
Jenkins and maven-buildnumber-plugin

I am using maven-buildnumber-plugin version 1.0-beta-4. This works fine on a project checked out of Subversion, but fails in Jenkins. …

maven build numbers jenkins buildnumber-maven-plugin