Top "Build-numbers" questions

Numbers generated by build processes to identify instances of a project that may not correspond to releases.

Is it possible to use maven buildnumber plugin to generate build number without any scm check?

Getting the following exception while using maven build number plugin. Is it possible to disable SCM check while using the …

maven build-numbers buildnumber-maven-plugin
CMake: Read build number from file to set a variable

I'm working on a project where the build number is stored in a file called 'BuildNumber.txt' at the root …

cmake build-numbers
How to add pre-build step in qmake/qtcreator?

I want the compiled application to have the commit number, source files checksums and other things to be available during …

version-control qmake prebuild build-numbers
broken classpath with Intellij Idea on maven dependency

i'm using Intellij IDEA 12.1.6, almost everyone in my company use Eclipse and dont notice my problem. We have a local …

maven intellij-idea nexus build-numbers
How can the AOSP build number be customized?

I am building AOSP, v4.4.2. I want to specify a part of the "Build number" string (as per Settings -&…

android build-process versioning android-source build-numbers