Top "Maven-scm" questions

A plugin that allows you to perform Source Control Management operations through Maven.

Externalising SCM credentials with Maven

Is there a method to externalize my SCM credentials so they are not stored in the project's POM? The problem …

svn version-control maven-2 maven-scm
scm connection vs developerConnection

Can anyone tell me the difference between scm connection and developerConnection in maven? I am trying to build using mvn …

maven maven-scm
What is the usage of Maven pom.xml - <tag> element inside of <scm> when you are using git

We are using maven and git together for a Java project. In <scm> section, <tag> is …

git maven maven-scm
How can I do a git pull in Maven?

I'm new to both maven and git and wanted to get some help in setting a project. Is there a …

git maven pom.xml maven-scm
Maven Buildnumber plugin - Git

The Maven Buildnumber plugin doesn't appear to work with GIT yet. Is there a workaround for the time being? I …

git maven maven-2 maven-scm buildnumber-maven-plugin
Maven SCM Plugin: Git SSH provider not found

I'm having a problem using the Maven SCM plugin with Git. I cannot get the plugin to work at all …

maven maven-scm
Disable Maven SCM

Could I disable SCM integration option in Maven? I want it to build a local checked-out project without SCM integration ? …

maven-2 maven-scm
Using maven-release-plugin with GitHub "You can't push to git://"

Recently having switched source code repository for a project to GitHub from SourceForge I need to update the maven release …

maven github maven-release-plugin sonatype maven-scm
What is the format of svn-settings.xml for use with Maven SCM plugin?

I'm trying to externalize my username and password but it seems the format of svn-settings.xml is incorrect. I can't …

svn maven-2 maven-scm
Maven: Commit single artifact to svn repository

How can I commit a single artifact like a file or a directory to an arbitrary location in a svn …

svn maven-2 maven-scm