Top "Activation" questions

is for questions dealing with the technologies for the activation of software.

Reset Windows Activation/Remove license key

I'm having a hard time finding and answer to this. If I had to hypotheitcally remove the Windows license key …

windows licensing activation
Can't activate Visio 2013 MSDN

I have an MSDN subscription and I've installed Visio 2013. I am not able to activate the product and it has …

visio activation
Reading a specific line in a text file to a variable in a batch file

In one of my batch files I'm attempting to write, I need to read the last line in a 5 line …

batch-file text activation
Activation of maven profile based on multiple properties

I am creating a maven 2 build for a project and I came up with profiles since the build has to …

maven-2 profile activation
Python is in conda env, but has not been activated in Windows virtual env

I created a Windows (10) Python virtual environment (env3.7.3). When I open a cmd window activated in the virtual env, I …

python windows-10 anaconda activation virtual-environment
How can I activate the Firefox debugger?

While debugging a JavaScript program I was writing with Firebug, the Script panel stopped working and I got the following …

firefox-addon firebug activation javascript-debugger
How to display notice in admin panel on Plugin Activation?

I am trying to display a notice in admin panel when I activate my test plugin. How can I display …

wordpress plugins panel admin activation
Maven - activate child profile based on property

Scenario: Given Parent POM which defines a profile and a child (as module) Child project(s) that will be using …

maven-2 profile activation
What is JAF? What is its purpose?

I am unable to understand the purpose of JAF (Java Activation Framework). Please explain it to me in simple terms, …

java activation
Worksheet_Activate not triggering when workbook opened

Two days ago my code to populate ActiveX combo boxes in my Excel sheets stopped functioning when I open the …

excel vba events activation