Top "Jms" questions

The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.

Configuring an MDB to listen to multiple queues

I'm using EJB 3.1 and I want to configure an MDB to listen to multiple queues. I'd prefer defining the queue …

java jms message-driven-bean
Checkmarx error: Deserialization of untrusted data

I am getting deserialization of untrusted data during checkmarx scan (which find security related vulnarabilities in code) in the onMessage() …

java jms deserialization checkmarx validationmessage
XA or non-XA for JMS and DB operation

I am fairly new to the XA and non-XA world. My requirement is to read a message from queue until …

jms websphere rad xa
Accessing messages in Dead letter Queue of ActiveMQ and redeliver to webservice or socket after consumption

Iam writing an application in Java using ActiveMQ where iam using a producer and a asynchronous consumer mechanism where the …

java jakarta-ee jms activemq jms-topic
more than one listener for the queue manager

Can there more than one listener to a queue manager ? I have used one listener/queue manager combination so far …

jms ibm-mq mq
Using JMS or ThreadPool to send email messages

I will like to know: I have a scenario. If a user adds a product to the system (I'm developing), …

java jms activemq threadpool jbossmq
JMS rollback

I have a process which involves sending a JMS message. The process is part of a transaction. If a later …

jms rollback
JmsTemplate has no send timeout

I have working JMS application with IBM MQ jars configuration , using spring It works well with correct queue information , but …

java spring jms ibm-mq jmstemplate
RabbitMq : Create queue dynamically

I have a scenario where I want to publish some messages to rabbitmq-exchange using a specific routing key for eg. …

jms rabbitmq message-queue rabbitmq-exchange
Jms message acknowledge only till the message acknowledged on

How to ensure message acknowledge deletes only messages upto the message on which acknowledge is called in a jms broker. …

java jms messaging qpid