Top "Jms" questions

The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.

Managing JMS transaction with Spring

I'm trying to manage JMS transaction with Spring and HornetQ. This is the code I wrote: public void receive() { TransactionStatus …

spring jboss jms hornetq spring-jms
Serializable class not available to broker: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException while viewing messages in ActiveMQ

I want to see content of message which have been queued in ActiveMQ queues. I opened web-console.(http://localhost:8161/admin/…

java jms activemq classnotfoundexception
Web Socket vs JMS or Activemq

I want to know what are the differences between Java Web socket and JMS (or ActiveMq) ? Please let me know …

java jakarta-ee websocket jms activemq
JMS Sessions, "transacted" and "auto-acknowledge"

What does JMS session exactly mean? What does it mean that a JMS session can be or not "transacted"? What …

jms spring-jms jms-topic jmstemplate
Is there a fast way to clear Exception queue from Oracle AQ?

AQ$_MESSAGES_EXCEPTIONFirst of all I know there's this question: How to clear a queue in Oracle AQ but it …

oracle jms oracle-aq
Dynamically creating asynchronous message queues in Java

I need to create asynchronous message queues dynamically in Java. My use case is sending email via multiple SMTP servers: …

java asynchronous jms message-queue jboss-mdb
How to lookup remote JNDI

Is it possible to lookup remote JNDI in IBM MQ. My scenario is I have an MQ installation on machine …

java jms jndi ibm-mq mq
How do I limit the amount of times a JMS DefaultMessageListenerContainer will retry a message?

I am using Spring JMS to connect to a Websphere MQ server. I implemented the SessionAwareListener interface to create a …

java jms ibm-mq
How to connect an ActiveMQ producer to an OpenMQ JMS broker

I'm trying to send text messages from a swing heavy client (using Apache ActiveMQ library) to an instance of glassfish …

java jakarta-ee jms activemq openmq
What is the purpose of listener in WebSphere MQ?

When I go to my WebSphere MQ explorer, and connect to a remote queue manager and go to --> …

jms listener ibm-mq