The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.
I'm trying to manage JMS transaction with Spring and HornetQ. This is the code I wrote: public void receive() { TransactionStatus …
spring jboss jms hornetq spring-jmsI want to see content of message which have been queued in ActiveMQ queues. I opened web-console.(http://localhost:8161/admin/…
java jms activemq classnotfoundexceptionI want to know what are the differences between Java Web socket and JMS (or ActiveMq) ? Please let me know …
java jakarta-ee websocket jms activemqWhat does JMS session exactly mean? What does it mean that a JMS session can be or not "transacted"? What …
jms spring-jms jms-topic jmstemplateAQ$_MESSAGES_EXCEPTIONFirst of all I know there's this question: How to clear a queue in Oracle AQ but it …
oracle jms oracle-aqI need to create asynchronous message queues dynamically in Java. My use case is sending email via multiple SMTP servers: …
java asynchronous jms message-queue jboss-mdbI am using Spring JMS to connect to a Websphere MQ server. I implemented the SessionAwareListener interface to create a …
java jms ibm-mqI'm trying to send text messages from a swing heavy client (using Apache ActiveMQ library) to an instance of glassfish …
java jakarta-ee jms activemq openmqWhen I go to my WebSphere MQ explorer, and connect to a remote queue manager and go to --> …
jms listener ibm-mq