Top "Jmstemplate" questions

Spring helper class that simplifies synchronous JMS access code

ACTIVEMQ- publisher subscriber hello world example

There are two programs: subscriber and publisher... Subscriber is able to put the message onto the topic and the message …

java jms activemq jmstemplate
how to configure jms template at spring for weblogic?

as my question title, how to configure jms template at spring for weblogic? i follow an example at some website, …

spring weblogic jmstemplate
Async consumer for Amazon sqs

I am new to working with queues. I am able to successfully post messages and receive them synchronously However, I …

java asynchronous amazon-sqs jmstemplate
Unit testing with JMS (ActiveMQ)

How to do unit testing with JMS ? Is it some de-facto for this ? I googled something - Unit testing for …

unit-testing mocking jms activemq jmstemplate
What are template classes in Spring Java? Why are they called templates? For example jdbc-template, jms-template etc

I'm new to Java. I've only been programming it for about a year. What does Spring mean by the use …

java spring jdbctemplate jmstemplate
Spring JmsTemplate + Security

I've just refactored some code that published to a JMS topic to use Spring's JmsTemplate class and now I'm receiving …

java security spring jms jmstemplate
Spring JMSTemplate receive all messages in one transaction

I am trying to get all messages from the queue in synchronous mode using Spring JMSTemplate.receive(String) method. The …

spring transactions jms jmstemplate
Does Spring JmsTemplate close connections by default?

I wrote a JMS application that runs within a web service in Glassfish (also deployed it in JBoss), I noticed …

java spring jms jmstemplate
JMS Sessions, "transacted" and "auto-acknowledge"

What does JMS session exactly mean? What does it mean that a JMS session can be or not "transacted"? What …

jms spring-jms jms-topic jmstemplate
Java Spring JMS: JmsTemplate to IBM MQ

Update It was my mistake I forget the ssl debugging running, it is super fast now and working like magic …

java spring-boot ibm-mq spring-jms jmstemplate