Top "Jms" questions

The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.

TIBCO ems Queue limit exceeded

I am getting an exception (shown below) when trying to send messages to a TIBCO Ems queue. javax.jms.ResourceAllocationException: …

java jms tibco tibco-ems
How to handle Activemq's max frame size exception with failover transport

I am developing an application that uses activemq to exchange messages, some so big that I want to cancel then. …

java jms activemq spring-jms failover
JMS and JMX tutorials?

i am preparing for an interview which requires a bit hands on JMS and JMX, but i didnt work on …

java jms jmx
Spring JMSTemplate receive all messages in one transaction

I am trying to get all messages from the queue in synchronous mode using Spring JMSTemplate.receive(String) method. The …

spring transactions jms jmstemplate
When JMSXDeliveryCount get increased

What are the conditions in which JMSXDeliveryCount is increased in WebSphere MQ. I need all the scenarios under which it …

java jms ibm-mq
JMS message re-delivery delay

I have a JMS client that can ssh to remote systems upon receiving a message (and do various things there …

jms message-queue openmq
How to monitor outgoing messages from TIBCO EMS .Net client?

While using the .Net client TIBCO EMS, How to monitor outgoing messages from my .Net Tibco client? I'm going to …

.net jms tibco tibco-ems
Does Spring JmsTemplate close connections by default?

I wrote a JMS application that runs within a web service in Glassfish (also deployed it in JBoss), I noticed …

java spring jms jmstemplate
What is the purpose of a JMS session?

What is the purpose of a JMS session? Why isn't a connection alone sufficient to exchange JMS messages between senders …

java jms
JMS QueueConnectionFactory vs ConnectionFactory

My question is about the use of the following 2 factories: ConnectionFactory QueueConnectionFactory At the moment I just use a ConnectionFactory …

java jms jndi mq