Top "Jms" questions

The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients. JMSWMQ0018: Failed to connect to queue manager 'xxx' with connection mode 'yyy' and host name 'zzz'

JMS app requires seven parameters to make successful SSL connection with MQ series given here,…

ssl connection jms ibm-mq mq
Are there any MQ servers that can run embedded in a Java process?

I'm researching queuing solutions for one of my team's apps. Ideally we would like something that can be configured both …

java jms message-queue amqp mq
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory and Concurrent Connections not shutting down

I am using Spring 4.x's DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory in order to connect to an ActiveMQ Queue, process the messages from that queue …

spring jms activemq spring-jms spring-messaging
Best solution for Java HTTP push (messaging)

We want to push data from a server to clients but can only use HTTP (port 80). What is the best …

java http jms comet messaging
Adding a JMS Queue to Jboss 7

I want to try and get an understanding of how JMS works. I am going through a tutorial and have …

java jboss jms hornetq
In JMS asynchronous message handling as soon as onMessage() is called, message deleted from queue

Requirement: I want messages to be persist in queue till onMessage() executed successfully. If any exception occur during execution of …

java jms messagebroker openmq
How to configure JMS in Jboss 6?

I newbie to JMS(java Messaging service). I want to run sample JMS application using jboss 6. I have tired searching …

java jms jboss6.x
How can one use activemq not locally?

I can't understand how to use ActiveMQ not locally. Suppose I have 2 machines, which need to exchange some messages. On …

java jms activemq
Spring batch JMS writer/reader example

Anybody know of a good resource for a detailed (more so than the Spring Batch docs) look at the uses …

jms spring-batch spring-jms
Closing Session when using Spring's CachingConnectionFactory

The java doc here related to Spring CachingConnectionFactory has comment : NOTE: This ConnectionFactory requires explicit closing of all Sessions obtained …

java spring jms spring-jms