The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.
I am using a @JmsListener annotated method listen to JMS messages as shown below. @JmsListener(destination="exampleQueue") public void fetch(@…
java spring spring-boot jms spring-jmsI have an Oracle AQ with the queue type of SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE. What I'm trying to do …
java jms oracle-aqI have an webapp that is expected to fetch and display data from an External App which is accessible only …
java architecture jms ibm-mqHow to do unit testing with JMS ? Is it some de-facto for this ? I googled something - Unit testing for …
unit-testing mocking jms activemq jmstemplateDuring configuration of JMS queues on JBoss 7 with HornetQ (based on standalone-full.xml configuration) I noticed an attribute 'durable'. I …
java jakarta-ee jms jboss7.x hornetqWe're trying to set a delay on some JMS messages, so that a message will only be added to the …
java spring jms activemq spring-jms