Top "Jms" questions

The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.

Spring JMS : Set ErrorHandler for @JmsListener annotated method

I am using a @JmsListener annotated method listen to JMS messages as shown below. @JmsListener(destination="exampleQueue") public void fetch(@…

java spring spring-boot jms spring-jms
How to enqueue a JMS message into Oracle AQ using Java

I have an Oracle AQ with the queue type of SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE. What I'm trying to do …

java jms oracle-aq
How to make a JMS Synchronous request

I have an webapp that is expected to fetch and display data from an External App which is accessible only …

java architecture jms ibm-mq
Differences between javax.jms.ConnectionFactory and javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory

I'm entering the world of JTA, due to need of distributed transactions, and I'm uncertain about the differences between javax.…

java jms jndi jta atomikos
Unit testing with JMS (ActiveMQ)

How to do unit testing with JMS ? Is it some de-facto for this ? I googled something - Unit testing for …

unit-testing mocking jms activemq jmstemplate
How to activemq in ssl

I'm trying to send messages via jms (activemq) but I want it to be in ssl protocol. It actuality works …

java ssl jms activemq jndi

What is the relation and differences between the following terms? Enterprise Messaging System (EMS) Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Message Oriented …

jms esb ems mom
JMSCMQ0001: IBM MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2400' ('MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITE')

I am getting the following exception while trying to make a connection with remote MQ from my Java client on …

ssl jms weblogic ibm-mq
What is the meaning of 'durable' attribute for JMS Queue in JBoss 7 with HornetQ?

During configuration of JMS queues on JBoss 7 with HornetQ (based on standalone-full.xml configuration) I noticed an attribute 'durable'. I …

java jakarta-ee jms jboss7.x hornetq
Spring JMS(ActiveMQ) delayed delivery of messages

We're trying to set a delay on some JMS messages, so that a message will only be added to the …

java spring jms activemq spring-jms