Top "Mom" questions

Message Oriented Middleware

Avoiding duplicated messages on JMS/ActiveMQ

Is there a way to suppress duplicated messages on a queue defined on ActiveMQ server? I tried to define manually …

java duplicates jms activemq mom
Message Oriented Middleware (MoM) Vs. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

I come from a background of MoM. I think I understand ESB conceptually. However, I'm not too sure about the …

java soa messaging esb mom
Does Kafka support request response messaging

I am investigating Kafka 9 as a hobby project and completed a few "Hello World" type examples. I have got to …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api mom
PointToPoint vs Publish/subscribe model in JMS?

I am new to JMS.I have started with hello world where i am publishing the message from java application …

java jms publish-subscribe mom

What is the relation and differences between the following terms? Enterprise Messaging System (EMS) Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Message Oriented …

jms esb ems mom
In which domains are message oriented middleware like AMQP useful?

What problem do MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) solve? Scalability? Integration? In which domain are they typically used and in which …

message-queue amqp mom
What is message-oriented middleware?

I've been trying to figure out exactly what message-oriented middleware is, but haven't been able to find any non-enterprise real …

messaging rabbitmq mom
Message broker vs. MOM (Message-Oriented Middleware)

I'm a little confused as to what the difference is between a message broker e.g. RabbitMQ and Message-orientated Middleware. …

rabbitmq message-queue amqp messagebroker mom
MOM vs SOA? the difference?

they have many common features. but how the difference? MOM allow asynchronous while SOA does not, this is the only …

soa mom
Best Publish/Subscribe "Middleware"

I'm in the market for a good open source network based Pub/Sub (observer pattern) library. I haven't found any …

soa observer-pattern middleware publish-subscribe mom