The Java Message Service (JMS) API is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients.
I'm trying to set up Apache ActiveMQ for the first time I discovered that the name of my server has …
java jms activemq activemq-cppI am using ActiveMQ to send the message. So when I sent a message, the message comes to receive message. …
java nullpointerexception jms listener activemqWhat is the main difference between using sessionTransacted=true (in JmsTemplate and/or DefaultMessageListenerContainer) and using JmsTransactionManager? Is using sessionTransacted=…
java spring jms spring-jmsI successfully managed to send the message to queue name ReceiverQueue on my localhost Jboss server, how can I retrieve …
java jms jboss-messagingI am just getting started with on a project and hope to use Oracle streams. I am looking for a …
java oracle jms oracle-streamsI am using Hornetq 2.0 i dont understand how can i know how many message are sitting on the queue at …
java jms message-queue hornetqI'm currently adding JMS support to a application-server-like framework. The JMS will be implemented by HornetQ (stand-alone broker, hornetq jars …
java queue jms message-listenerI have an EAR application which contains an MDB and a WAR. In this EAR application I would send a …
deployment queue jms jndi geronimo