JAX-WS is the JSR 224 defining a Java API for XML-Based Web Services
I've found a read a number of threads on here about how to retrieve the XML response from a JAX-WS …
java xml jax-ws soaphandlerCan anybody help with this? I want to use an embedded Jetty 7 as Endpoint. This is what I tried: public …
java jax-ws embedded-jettyThere is an excellent article by Young Yang that explains how to use wsimport to create web service client artifacts …
web-services asynchronous jax-ws jax-ws-customizationWe have created a web service in Netbeans 7.1 which is running fine on glassfish 3.1.1. Now I have to move my …
jboss jax-ws jdk1.6 jboss-4.2.x jbosswsThe Problem: I want to implement a set of Webservices, protected with SAML. I need to authenticate the users, and …
java web-services jax-ws single-sign-on samlI am using JAX-WS annotation to create soap services running on JBOss 5.1.0 G.A, the generates WSDL has got the …
web-services soap jax-ws jboss5.xBasically I made a Webservice using JAXWS. It uses SOAP and works. However on some request some clients crash/error, …
java soap http-headers jax-ws content-lengthIs it possible, and when yes, how?
java weblogic jax-ws weblogic-10.xI'm having problem with wsimport. In one of my wsdl which has to be wsimported I have a complexType with …
java jaxb jax-ws wsimport objectfactory