Top "Jax-ws" questions

JAX-WS is the JSR 224 defining a Java API for XML-Based Web Services

SOAP Object Serialization in Java

I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1 and JAX-WS 2.0. In my application, I need to pass a Map<String, Map<…

java soap jax-ws jboss7.x jbossws
"org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file." while parsing schema

I'm writing a webservice client running on Linux JBoss 5.0.1 / JBossWS Native 3.1.1 which is calling a service running on a Windows …

web-services jboss jax-ws java-metro-framework jbossws
Webservice - client service instantiation

Do you know how costly is to create a webservice client service instance ? JavaWebService service = new JavaWebService(); SomePort port = service.…

java web-services jax-ws java-metro-framework Error writing request body to server

I am developing a web service to allow uploading from client to server. I was able to get wsdl file …

web-services soap jax-ws soap-client mtom
Websphere 7 error: A WSDL Definition could not be generated for the implementation class

Excuse me for my english I have an application that uses jax-ws and spring, it work on tomcat fine, but …

java web-services wsdl jax-ws websphere-7
Get Url of endpoint using on a handler (JAX-WS)

I am implementing many JAX-WS web services with a common Handler class to validate the correct structure of incoming SOAP …

java jax-ws java-metro-framework
Ant wsimport task failing

I have a simple ant script to build my classes from a sdl. Unfortunately wsimport fails immediately. I suspect it …

ant jax-ws jdk1.6 wsimport
apt vs wsgen vs wsimport .Confusion on what to use when and why not to use the other

I have been trying to write a web service (JAX-WS) and I have gone through a number of tutorials ranging …

web-services jax-ws wsimport apt wsgen
JAXWS exception when generating wsdl

i'm new to using jax-ws i have got some error on generating web service WSDL file from newService button i'm …

java web-services wsdl jax-ws myeclipse
Where to see the generated XML (KSOAP2)

I'm having a hard time trying to get to see the generated XML with my SoapRequest. This is my code: …

android jax-ws ksoap2