Websphere 7 error: A WSDL Definition could not be generated for the implementation class

Askar picture Askar · Jan 13, 2014 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

Excuse me for my english

I have an application that uses jax-ws and spring, it work on tomcat fine, but i should deploy it on Websphere 7.

WAS7 throws the following exception:

00000027 WSModuleDescr E WSWS7027E: JAX-WS Service Descriptions could not be correctly built because of the following error: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: WSWS7054E: The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file could not be generated for the com.foo.MyEndpoint Web service implementation class because of the following error: java.lang.Exception: A WSDL Definition could not be generated for the implementation class: com.foo.MyEndpoint at com.ibm.ws.websvcs.wsdl.WASWSDLGenerator.generateWsdl(WASWSDLGenerator.java:230)

my endpoint classes are:

@WebService(endpointInterface = "com.foo.MyService", targetNamespace = "http://www.foo.com/xsd")
public class MyEndpoint  implements MyService

and interface is:

@WebService(portName = "MyPort", serviceName = "MyService", 
  targetNamespace = "http://www.foo.com/xsd")
public interface MyService

Any idea what can cause that problem? How to check, what exactly is wrong here? The error message is too vague...


Askar picture Askar · Jan 20, 2014

I figure out that, i changed my classes like the following and it works.

@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://www.foo.com/xsd")
public interface MyService

and endpoint class:

@WebService(endpointInterface = "com.foo.MyService", targetNamespace = "http://www.foo.com/xsd")
public class MyEndpoint  implements MyService