Top "Embedded-jetty" questions

Jetty is a widely used web container (server) written in Java and produced by Eclipse.

How does OkHttp get Json string?

Solution: It was a mistake on my side. The right way is response.body().string() other than response.body.toString() …

java http okhttp embedded-jetty
404 Not Found Error in a simple Jetty/Maven Hello World webapp

I have followed the instructions to create a "Standard WebApp with Jetty and Maven" precisely as described on the eclipse …

maven maven-2 jetty embedded-jetty
Serving static files with embedded Jetty

I'm trying to build a simple demo app with embedded Jetty that serves static files from a "html" directory that's …

java jetty embedded-jetty
How do I limit the number of connections Jetty will accept?

I'm running Jetty 7.2.2 and want to limit the number of connections it will handle, such that when it reaches a …

java jetty embedded-jetty
Embedded Jetty Server - NO JSP Support for /, did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet

I've have the following code to use an embedded Jetty server alongside a simple servlet and .jsp webpage. However, after …

java jsp jetty embedded-jetty
How do I create an embedded WebSocket server Jetty 9?

I hate asking such a vague question, but I'm having a hard time finding a simple example. Here's what I …

java websocket jetty embedded-jetty
How to add servlet Filter with embedded jetty

I am embedding jetty into my app, and trying to work out how to add servlet filters (for cookie handling). …

java jetty servlet-filters embedded-jetty
Configuring Jetty JSP support in embedded mode in Maven project

I can visit .html pages with Jetty, but when I visit a .jsp page I get: 0 13:21:13 / [INFO] No JSP support. …

jsp jetty embedded-jetty
Missing JSP support in Jetty, or confusing log message?

Launching jetty by calling the API in 6.1.24. The JSP 2.1 component is on the classpath. org.mortbay.jetty:jsp-2.1-jetty:jar:6.1.24:…

jsp embedded-jetty
How to override jetty.xml with jetty.port

I'm using maven-jetty-plugin and trying to override my jetty.xml setting with the -Djetty.port=8090 but it's not working. Only …

java maven jetty embedded-jetty maven-jetty-plugin