Top "Embedded-jetty" questions

Jetty is a widely used web container (server) written in Java and produced by Eclipse.

Servlet 3.0 support in embedded Jetty 8.0

For my unit-tests I use a simple test-server based on Jetty: package eu.kostia.textanalysis.webservices.jetty; import java.awt.…

servlets embedded-jetty
Asynchronous Servlet with Embedded Jetty

I want to build a real simple example for invoking a asynchronous servlet in an embedded Jetty server. When I …

servlets asynchronous jetty embedded-jetty
Is it possible to create Desktop Application using Java backend & Web Technologies UI

I would like to create a desktop application in Java & web technologies. The main reason for selecting Java is …

java browser desktop embedded-jetty
How to run in spring boot application with embedded tomcat

I would like to add as an embedded component to my spring boot 'fat jar' application which has …

spring-boot embedded-jetty hawtio
Jetty http session is always null (Embedded Container, ServletHolder)

I am trying to implement a simple servlet which uses a HTTP session in an embedded jetty (7.3.0 v20110203) container. To …

servlets jetty embedded-jetty httpsession
How to configure embedded jetty to access Jersey resources?

I'm trying to configure embedded jetty to talk to my Jersey resources but I can't figure out how to do …

java jersey jetty embedded-jetty
Jetty: servlets vs handlers

I am trying to understand Jetty. Tell me please: When is it better to use Servlets and when Handlers? Can …

servlets jetty embedded-jetty
Map jetty ResourceHandler to a URL

Is it possible using embedded Jetty to serve static files from directory X but mapped to URL Y? I have …

jetty embedded-jetty
How can I serve a particular classpath resource at a given address using embedded jetty?

I'm looking to expose a clientacesspolicy.xml file from an embedded jetty server. My current attempt looks like this: ContextHandler …

java jetty embedded-jetty
Add more than one resource directory to jetty

Looking to use multiple static directories with Jetty. When the server runs: http://localhost:8282/A http://localhost:8282/B http://localhost:8282/…

directory jetty embedded-jetty