Map jetty ResourceHandler to a URL

Little Bobby Tables picture Little Bobby Tables · Feb 19, 2013 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

Is it possible using embedded Jetty to serve static files from directory X but mapped to URL Y? I have static files stored under directory "web", but I want the URL be something like http://host/myapp.

I have already successfully ran a server configured with ResourceHandler in the following way:

ResourceHandler ctx = new ResourceHandler();
HandlerList list = new HandlerList();

But the result is serving the files under /web and not under the desired URL mapping.


Joakim Erdfelt picture Joakim Erdfelt · Feb 19, 2013

The ResourceHandler has no context configurable, but you can simply wrap it in a ContextHandler to achieve that.

Try this instead:

ContextHandler ctx = new ContextHandler("/my-files"); /* the server uri path */
ResourceHandler resHandler = new ResourceHandler();

That will serve /my-files as the ResourceHandler content of the filesystem path-to-web