Top "Internationalization" questions

so that they can easily be adapted to specific local languages and cultures, a process called localization.

How to make jqueryUI datepicker submit in a different format than what is being displayed?

I'm working on some internationalization using jQueryUI. I have a DatePicker control on a form that is properly working in …

jquery-ui internationalization jquery-ui-datepicker
What is the best free XLIFF editor?

I'm localizing my Flash application. Flash keeps localization data in XLIFF format, this is an XML dialect. Several users from …

flash localization internationalization xliff
Angular2 i18n at this point?

We decided to give it a spin and we started fresh project using Angular2. So far so good, but at …

internationalization angular
Resolving spring:messages in javascript for i18n internationalization

I'm attempting to internationalize some of our code. I have a page in JSPX which is using the <spring:…

javascript spring spring-mvc internationalization dojo
Where can I find a list of language + region codes?

I have googled (well, DuckDuckGo'ed, actually) till I'm blue in the face, but cannot find a list of language codes …

unicode internationalization iso region
Multiple languages in an ASP.NET MVC application?

What is the best way to support multiple languages for the interface in an ASP.NET MVC application? I've seen … internationalization multilingual
tchar.h on linux

I am trying to write cross platform i18n C++ code. Since most linux system prefer to use UTF-8 as …

c++ linux internationalization tchar
Django internationalization language codes

Where can I find list of languages and language_code like this. (Swedish,sv) (English,en)

python django internationalization django-views django-i18n
SQL Server database field to handle korean and chinese characters

Is it possible to have a field in SQLServer that can store Chinese, Korean and European characters? My Chinese characters …

sql-server database internationalization cjk
Reliance on default encoding, what should I use and why?

FindBugs reports a bug: Reliance on default encoding Found a call to a method which will perform a byte to …

java encoding internationalization findbugs