Top "Internationalization" questions

so that they can easily be adapted to specific local languages and cultures, a process called localization.

How can I find all hard coded strings in my project in Android Studio

I need to find and extract all hard coded strings in my project in Android Studio (beta) 0.84. I need a …

android internationalization android-studio
How to use the I18n fallback features in Rails 3

I am getting an "translation missing" error message from Rails 3: activerecord: notices: messages: success: create: "Something was created" models: user: …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 internationalization rails-i18n fallback
django - how to make translation work?

I'm trying to render a template in a different language using i18n. I did everything I could read about, …

django internationalization translation
Difference between CurrentCulture, InvariantCulture, CurrentUICulture and InstalledUICulture

What is the difference between CurrentCulture, InvariantCulture, CurrentUICulture and InstalledUICulture from System.Globalization.CultureInfo?

.net internationalization globalization
How to make i18n with Handlebars.js (mustache templates)?

I'm currently using Handlebars.js (associated with Backbone and jQuery) to make a web app almost totally client side rendered, …

javascript jquery internationalization handlebars.js mustache
_() or {% trans %} in Django templates?

In Django templates, you can use either {{ _("Hello World") }} or {% trans "Hello World" %} to mark strings to be translated. In …

django internationalization django-templates translation
Rails I18n, check if translation exists?

Working on a rails 3 app where I want to check if a translation exists before outputting it, and if it …

ruby-on-rails internationalization rails-i18n
What is the actual differences between I18n/L10n/G11n and specifically what does each mean for development?

Possible Duplicate: Localization and internationalization, what’s the difference? I18n/L10n/G11n all equal localization to me, …

localization internationalization globalization
Django: How to get language code in template?

Is there's some global variable for gettin' language code in django template or atleast passing it through view? something like: {{ …

django internationalization
Rails link to current page and passing parameters to it

I am adding I18N to my rails application by passing the locale using url params. My urls are looking …

ruby-on-rails internationalization