Top "Tchar" questions

A #define for either char or wchar_t, used for porting ancient windows applications

Converting TCHAR to string in C++

I'm trying to convert a TCHAR to a string as in: std::string mypath; TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName( NULL, …

c++ tchar
How to convert a TCHAR array to std::string?

How do I convert a TCHAR array to std::string (not to std::basic_string)?

c++ string windows unicode tchar
Converting _TCHAR* to char*

I'm trying to get a simple OpenCV sample working in C++ on Windows and my C++ is more than rusty. …

c++ string visual-c++ atl tchar
How to convert char* to TCHAR[ ]?

char* stheParameterFileName = argv[1]; //I'm passing the file name as a parameter. TCHAR szName [512]; How can I convert char* to TCHAR []?

c++ winapi visual-studio-2012 tchar
How to assign a value to a TCHAR array

I have a TCHAR array in my C++ code which I want to assign static strings to it. I set …

c++ tchar
tchar.h on linux

I am trying to write cross platform i18n C++ code. Since most linux system prefer to use UTF-8 as …

c++ linux internationalization tchar
How do I convert from _TCHAR * to char * when using C++ variable-length args?

We need to pass a format _TCHAR * string, and a number of char * strings into a function with variable-length args: …

c++ char tchar
Why could i get an Unhandled exception Access violation writing in c++/CLI?

I have been struggeling writing a solution excisting out of an c++ win32console and a c++ dll. i finally …

visual-studio-2010 visual-c++ c++-cli tchar
Is it advisable to use strcmp or _tcscmp for comparing strings in Unicode versions?

Is it advisable to use strcmp or _tcscmp for comparing strings in Unicode versions?

c windows unicode unicode-string tchar