Top "Tchar" questions

A #define for either char or wchar_t, used for porting ancient windows applications

Comparing two TCHAR's with same value results false

I am trying to check my applications path, and if it is not a specified path, then move it. I …

c++ compare tchar getmodulefilename
How to convert std::wstring to a TCHAR*?

How to convert a std::wstring to a TCHAR*? std::wstring.c_str() does not work since it returns a …

c++ unicode tchar
C++ Combine 2 Tchar

I'm trying to combine 2 tchar. char username[UNLEN+1]; DWORD username_len = UNLEN+1; GetUserName(username, &username_len); TCHAR* appdatapath ="C:\\…

c++ tchar
Converting string to tchar in VC++

how I can convert string to tchar in VC++? string internetprotocol=""; TCHAR szProxyAddr[16]; i want to set: szProxyAddr=internetprotocol; how …

string visual-c++ tchar
Errors using TCHAR,cannot convert to wchar_t

I've been asked to add functionality to an existing old project but i cannot get it to build. It handles …

c++ wchar-t tchar
C++ windows how to convert 'unsigned int' to 'TCHAR *'?

I am in new to C++ on windows. Can you please tell me how to convert unsigned int to TCHAR *?

c++ windows int tchar
Convert char to TCHAR* argv[]

How can I input text into TCHAR* argv[]? OR: How can I convert from char to TCHAR* argv[]? char randcount[] = "…

visual-c++ argv tchar
tchar.h not found on cygwin

I'm running the latest cygwin on windows 7 (32-bit), and trying to build an open-source project, RtAudio (it doesn't currently build …

c++ windows-7 cross-platform cygwin tchar
error C2446: == : no conversion from const char * to TCHAR *

I have a TCHAR define below: TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("<unknown>"); and I want to comapare as …

c++ windows tchar
C++ _TCHAR* to std::string

I created a project in C++, and VS2010 created int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { string sInput; string sOutput; int …

c++ string visual-studio-2010 tchar