Top "Internationalization" questions

so that they can easily be adapted to specific local languages and cultures, a process called localization.

Can an email address contain international (non-english) characters?

If it's possible, should I accept such emails from users and what problems to expect when I will be sending …

email internationalization non-english
JavaFX 2 and Internationalization

I've just started writing my first JavaFX 2 application after learning the basics and would like to internationalize it. I notice …

internationalization javafx-2
NSLocale currentLocale always returns "en_US" not user's current language

I'm in the processes of internationalizing an iPhone app - I need to make programmatic changes to certain views based …

iphone objective-c cocoa internationalization
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name

I'm testing Java's i18n features and have a problem, I can't load the language file when it's not in …

java internationalization resourcebundle
HTML tags in i18next translation

I'm using i18next to power i18n for my weblog. It works great on text-only content, but when I …

javascript internationalization i18next
how to send through ServletOutputStream characters in UTF-8 encoding

My servlet code looks like that: response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.…

java servlets utf-8 internationalization
Date formatting based on user locale on android

I want to display a date of birth based on the user locale. In my application, one of my fields …

android internationalization date-format
Are email addresses allowed to contain non-alphanumeric characters?

I'm building a website using Django. The website could have a significant number of users from non-English speaking countries. I …

email unicode internationalization domain-name
Simplified and Traditional Chinese vs Regions

In the process of implementing traditional and simplified chinese support in my Android application and I confused on how this …

android internationalization
How to access to a property defined in file?

I have a Groovy Grails application and I want to access programmatically to a property defined in As …

grails groovy properties internationalization multilingual