Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.
I am defining a color in code as [UIColor colorWithHue:32.0/360.0 saturation:0.88 brightness:0.97 alpha:1] If I try to set the same …
ios colors interface-builder uistoryboard uicolorI'm contemplating writing some helper functions to make it easier to do simple changes to the UI elements in my …
iphone interface-builder nibHere, I have pointed to the Referencing Outlet Collection. I am not able to figure out its usage in XCode4. …
ios iphone xcode4 interface-builder iboutletcollectionhave googled around but found no solution: Basically, i have a Localizable.strings set up, which i'm using in my …
iphone localization interface-builder uilabel localizable.stringsXcode 6 has a new feature where fonts and font sizes in UILabel, UITextField, and UIButton can be set automatically based …
ios interface-builder ios8 xcode6 size-classesI'm using XCode6 beta and trying out Swift. When I put some auto layout constraints in a view controller the …
ios objective-c swift interface-builderI have 3 segues to 3 different views. 2 are implemented with no problem, it is when the third is created that the …
ios interface-builder storyboard segue didselectrowatindexpathHow do you center text line-by-line in a UIButton using Interface Builder? I am scouring the options and just don't …
iphone ios interface-builder multilineI'm running Xcode 6.1 and I have been using IB_DESIGNABLE with IBInspectable for quite a few projects already but all …
ios objective-c uibutton interface-builder xcode6I have a bundle where i put images in it. The contents are: MyBundle.bundle/images/picture1.png MyBundle.bundle/…
iphone ios image interface-builder bundle