Top "Interface-builder" questions

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

How do you connect a tab bar item to an action?

I have a UIView which has a UITabBar with 4 UITabBarItem components in it (all created from IB). I want my …

cocoa-touch ios4 interface-builder uitabbar uitabbaritem
Wrong color in Interface Builder's color picker

I have an UIImageView with a brown image that will not always reach the top part. The UIImage view is …

xcode interface-builder uicolor color-picker
How to use Gesture Recognizers in IB (iPhone/iPad)?

I have just discovered the Gesture Recognizers in IB and I would like to make use of them. I've tried …

iphone interface-builder uigesturerecognizer ibaction uitapgesturerecognizer
storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier not setting IBOutlets

I am using storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: and I'm noticing that all the IBOutlets I have wired up are still nil. However, …

ios interface-builder uistoryboard
Designing UICollectionView cells in nib with Interface Builder (without storyboard)

I am trying to design a custom UICollectionViewCell prototype (in Xcode 5.0.2), however Interface Builder doesn't let me add a cell …

xcode interface-builder uicollectionview nib uicollectionviewcell
Can't assign multiple Buttons to UINavigationItem when using Storyboard with iOS 5

I'm a iOS developer with a lot experience in developing the UI by code. I'm now testing the Storyboard functionality, …

ios ipad interface-builder storyboard uinavigationitem
How to create a container/child viewcontroller relationship in interface builder

To create from code a parent/child relationship between 2 view controllers basically it's just matter of doing something like: [self …

uiviewcontroller interface-builder uistoryboardsegue container-view childviewcontroller
Interface Builder, @IBOutlet and protocols for delegate and dataSource in Swift

Can't connect delegate property of CustomView declared as @IBOutlet toViewController in Interface Builder – simply can't establish a connection. Here's the …

swift interface-builder iboutlet
What's the difference between frame and layout in Interface builder's size inspector?

In IB, there is a dropdown in Size Inspector showing "Layout" and "Frame". I know what a frame is, but …

iphone interface-builder
How can I have the only column of my NSTableView take all the width of the TableView?

I am currently trying to learn a bit of Cocoa (using the book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X). In …

cocoa xcode4 interface-builder nstableview