Top "Interface-builder" questions

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

UIButton inside UIView doesn't respond to touch events

I've put a UIButton inside a custom UIView and the button is not receiving any touch events (it doesn't get …

objective-c uiview uibutton interface-builder xib
Setting .reuseIdentifier on a UICollectionViewCell

I have a particular UICollectionViewCell that I want to instantiate myself, and add to a UICollectionView. In order for this …

objective-c xcode interface-builder nib uicollectionview
Install/Uninstall constraint programmatically

Is there a way to install and uninstall an Xcode interface builder constraint programmatically?

ios objective-c autolayout interface-builder nslayoutconstraint
Can you add IBDesignable properties to UIView using categories/extensions?

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, Xcode 6.0 added new features, IBDesignable and IBInspectable. When you tag your …

ios interface-builder xcode-storyboard ibdesignable ibinspectable
Automatically resize an NSButton to fit programmatically changed text (Xcode)

I have an NSButton (Push Button) with some temporary title text built in Interface Builder / Xcode. Elsewhere, the title text …

xcode cocoa macos interface-builder nsbutton
Borderless NSButton turns gray when clicked

I am making a little application with three NSButtons with an image set. These buttons have no border nor background. …

cocoa user-interface interface-builder appkit nsbutton
Can not create an iPhone xib file with Xcode 6

The checkbox to create a .xib file in Xcode 6 seems to be disabled. I can not find any way to …

xcode xcode6 interface-builder xib
Interface Builder and Xcode integration not working

After having installed the iPhone SDK 3.1.2, Interface Builder is not in sync with Xcode anymore. The light indicator at the …

xcode interface-builder rpc
What is difference between XIB and NIB?

Possible Duplicate: What's up with the .NIB -> .XIB? I want to know what is difference between xib and …

ios interface-builder xib nib