Top "Iboutletcollection" questions

The type qualifier IBOutletCollection is a tag applied to an instance-variable declaration so that the Interface Builder application can recognize the instance variable as an outlet and synchronize the display and connection of it with Xcode.

Swift - IBOutletCollection equivalent

I'm trying to replicate the Stanford Matchismo game from "Developing ios7 apps for iphone and ipad" in iTunesU in Swift. …

swift interface-builder iboutlet iboutletcollection
How can I use IBOutletCollection to connect multiple UIImageViews to the same outlet?

I have 10 UIImageViews which do the same thing (they have some void methods that change their image with a timer). …

ios objective-c xcode uiimageview iboutletcollection
Swift put multiple IBOutlets in an Array

I made these (marked with red border) IBOutlets using ctrl + drag But i don't like to have the exact same …

ios swift cocoa iboutlet iboutletcollection
What is Referencing outlet collection in Xcode4 Interface Builder?

Here, I have pointed to the Referencing Outlet Collection. I am not able to figure out its usage in XCode4. …

ios iphone xcode4 interface-builder iboutletcollection
How to make IBOutlets out of an array of objects?

I want to make an array with a bunch of UIImageViews I have in Interface Builder. Instead of having 20 or 30 …

ios iphone interface-builder iboutlet iboutletcollection