I've made a strings file named "Localizable.strings" and added two languages to it, like so: "CONNECTIONERROR" = "Check that you …
ios xcode uialertview nslocalizedstring localizable.stringsIf I copy something from textedit or web and paste it to localizable file it shows this compilation error. If …
ios xcode ios11 localizable.stringsWe need to implement the localization in reactjs to define the string value(s). How can I implement that? One …
reactjs localization localizable.strings react-localizationMy Application must support Arabic(right to left direction) and English(left to right direction) language, I need to set …
ios swift xcode localization localizable.stringshave googled around but found no solution: Basically, i have a Localizable.strings set up, which i'm using in my …
iphone localization interface-builder uilabel localizable.stringsIn my current app, I have code that displays a message, e.g. "5 Items Processed." To keep the phrase grammatically …
iphone ios localization internationalization localizable.stringsI want to read the text from the localizable.strings file. I am collecting the strings for translation from several …
iphone file text localizable.stringsI am trying to get a strings file table for use with NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle. I am using this method: +(NSBundle*)getBundleForLang:(…
ios nsbundle localizable.stringsHow to add a newline character in localizable.strings? I tried putting \n, but no success.
xcode localizable.stringsPossible Duplicate: Localization - Add additional language to localizable.strings file With Xcode 4.5 SDK iOS 6.0, I cannot add localization to …
ios xcode ios6 xcode4.5 localizable.strings