Top "Localizable.strings" questions

iPhone App Localization - English problems?

I have an app that I am translating to a bunch of different languages. The problem is that the app …

iphone localization localizable.strings
How to get a string resource in C# (WPF)?

I know how to get a resource from the string resource in XAML: {Binding OK, Source={StaticResource LocStrings}} However, I …

c# wpf localization localizable.strings
How to localize an app icon?

I am comfortable with localizing strings and images within the app. But I am having a lot of difficulty trying …

ios localization localizable.strings
using different string files in android

I'm porting my iPhone app to android and I'm having a problem with the string files now. The app is …

android xml string build-automation localizable.strings
Send localized string key in loc-args for iOS Push notifications

My application supports 4 languages & push notifications. When I send push notification to APNS , I am sending loc_key & …

ios7 apple-push-notifications nslocalizedstring localizable.strings
NSLocalizedStringFromTable doesn't work

I'm trying to use NSLocalizedStringFromTable but with no results. I've got created Profile.strings file, clicked localized, in project settings …

ios xcode localization nslocalizedstring localizable.strings
iOS Localizable.strings file for XIB files?

I'm translating an iOS project into Portuguese and I've created a pt.lproj/Localizable.strings file, and I've added NSLocalizedString() …

objective-c ios ipad localization localizable.strings