Top "Http-status-codes" questions

HTTP status codes are a set of standardized codes returned in an HTTP web response.

Get Http Status Code with OkHttp

I'm using OkHttp to get the content of some websites. However, I'm not able to get the Http-Status Code from …

java http-status-codes okhttp
What is the Correct HTTP Status Code for a Cancelled Request

When a TCP connection gets cancelled by the client while making a HTTP request, I'd like to stop doing any …

http http-status-codes cancellation request-cancelling
HTTP status code for unaccepted Content-Type in request

For certain resources, my RESTful server only accepts PUT and POST requests with JSON objects as the content body, thus …

http rest mime-types http-status-codes http-request
Convention for HTTP response header to notify clients of deprecated API

I'm upgrading our REST API endpoints and I want to notify clients when they are calling the to-be-deprecated endpoint. What …

rest http http-status-codes deprecation-warning
Why does Firebug show a "206 Partial Content" response on a video loading request?

I have a bunch of html5 video elements, with their preload attribute set to "auto". They start loading just fine, …

http firebug html5-video http-status-codes server-response
HTTP statuscode to retry same request

Is there an HTTP status code to instruct a client to perform the same request again? I am facing a …

http rest redirect http-status-codes
Authorization in RESTful HTTP API, 401 WWW-Authenticate

I'm creating a RESTful service to provide data to a web application. I have two related questions about this. 1. How …

http rest xmlhttprequest http-status-codes http-status-code-401
Correct HTTP status code for login form?

I am implementing the authentication for an app, and I am using a pluggable system with "authentication methods". This allows …

http rest http-status-codes
How to test an HTTP 301 redirect?

How can one easily test HTTP return codes, like, say, a 301 redirect? For example, if I want to "see what's …

http http-status-code-301 telnet http-status-codes
REST: Mapping application errors to HTTP Status codes

Is it to be considered good practice to reuse RFC HTTP Status codes like this, or should we be making …

web-services rest http-status-codes