Top "Http-status-codes" questions

HTTP status codes are a set of standardized codes returned in an HTTP web response.

Spring: return @ResponseBody "ResponseEntity<List<JSONObject>>"

In controller I create json array. If I return List<JSONObject> it is ok: @RequestMapping(value="", method=RequestMethod.…

java json spring rest http-status-codes
Script to get the HTTP status code of a list of urls?

I have a list of URLS that I need to check, to see if they still work or not. I …

bash curl http-status-codes
Set Response Status Code

I have an API call for which I need to be able to run some checks and potentially return various …

php cakephp cakephp-1.3 http-status-codes
HTTP 400 (bad request) for logical error, not malformed request syntax

The HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC 2616) has the following to say on the meaning of status code 400, Bad Request (§10.4.1): The request could …

http http-status-codes http-status-code-400
System.Net.WebException HTTP status code

Is there an easy way to get the HTTP status code from a System.Net.WebException?

c# http-status-codes webexception
Laravel - Return json along with http status code

If I return an object: return Response::json([ 'hello' => $value ]); the status code will be 200. How can I change …

php json laravel http-status-codes
HTTP Get with 204 No Content: Is that normal

Is it a normal occurrence for an HTTP GET Request to have a response with status code 204 - No Content? …

google-app-engine http get http-status-codes channel-api
What's the most appropriate HTTP status code for an "item not found" error page

I'm curious what's the most appropriate HTTP status code for an "item does not exist" page. If the page itself …

http http-status-codes
Is it correct to return 404 when a REST resource is not found?

Let's say I have a simple (Jersey) REST resource as follows: @Path("/foos") public class MyRestlet extends BaseRestlet { @GET @Path("/{…

rest http-status-codes