Top "Webexception" questions

System.Net.WebException HTTP status code

Is there an easy way to get the HTTP status code from a System.Net.WebException?

c# http-status-codes webexception
WebException how to get whole response with a body?

In WebException I cannot see body of GetResponse. This is my code in C#: try { return GetResponse(url + "." + ext.ToString(), …

c# webexception
Handling two WebException's properly

I am trying to handle two different WebException's properly. Basically they are handled after calling WebClient.DownloadFile(string address, string …

c# exception-handling webclient downloadfile webexception
HttpRequestException vs WebException

This is a general question that I'm confused about. I thought once a REST request was made, an error would …

c# rest dotnet-httpclient webexception