Top "Http-status-codes" questions

HTTP status codes are a set of standardized codes returned in an HTTP web response.

HTTP status code for bad data

What HTTP status code should I return when a client posts bad data (e.g. a string when integer was …

http http-status-codes
Appropriate HTTP status code for request specifying invalid Content-Encoding header?

What status code should be returned if a client sends an HTTP request and specifies a Content-Encoding header which cannot …

http http-headers http-status-codes
HTTP Status Code for External Dependency Error

What is the correct HTTP status code to return when a server is having issues communicating with an external API? …

rest http http-status-codes
Is HTTP status 422 appropriate for records that fail uniqueness validation?

I've done it a lot of times (and seen many people do so), but I start to wonder if it …

ruby-on-rails http-status-codes
Asp Classic return specific http status code

How can I return a specific http status code from an asp classic?

http asp-classic http-status-codes
Correct http status code for resource which requires authorization

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the correct http status code to return if the user tries …

rest http-status-codes
Eradicating 401 "Unauthorised" responses followed by 200 "Ok" responses

I’ve got a situation with a large internal corporate web based application running ASP.NET 3.5 on IIS6 generating 401 “Unauthorised” …

http-status-codes http-status-code-401
Express.JS: how can I set response status by name rather than number?

OK, everyone knows 200 is OK and 404 is not found. But I for things like permanent vs temporary redirect, or payment …

node.js http express http-status-codes magic-numbers
A distinct HTTP status for not logged in vs. not authorized in a RESTful API

So send a few different status headers in my API including 404, 409, 201, 302 and the like. Now I'm running into issues with 401 …

http rest http-status-codes http-status
Something faster than get_headers()

I'm trying to make a PHP script that will check the HTTP status of a website as fast as possible. …

php mysql http-status-codes fsockopen get-headers