OK, everyone knows 200 is OK and 404 is not found. But I for things like permanent vs temporary redirect, or payment required, or other more exotic HTTP error codes, it might be better to do something like:
Rather than just use a magic number which is generally considered bad practice. I could, of course, have 413:'REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE' in some object, but Express already has a copy of the status code -> name mappings and I'd rather not duplicate that.
How can I specify a response status by name in Express JS?
Edit: thanks @Akshat for pointing out http.STATUS_CODES. Elaborating on his answer, since the values are themselves unique, one can run:
var statusCodeByName = {};
for ( var number in http.STATUS_CODES ) {
statusCodeByName[http.STATUS_CODES[number]] = number
Which allows one to:
> statusCodeByName['Request Entity Too Large']
There's a Node module just for this purpose: http-status-codes.
Here's what the documentation says:
npm install http-status-codes
var HttpStatus = require('http-status-codes');
{ error: HttpStatus.getStatusText(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) }