Top "Http-status-codes" questions

HTTP status codes are a set of standardized codes returned in an HTTP web response.

How to extract HTTP status code from the RestTemplate call to a URL?

I am using RestTemplate to make an HTTP call to our service which returns a simple JSON response. I don't …

java url http-status-codes resttemplate
How can I get the HTTP status code out of a ServletResponse in a ServletFilter?

I'm trying to report on every HTTP status code returned from my webapp. However the status code does not appear …

java servlets servlet-filters http-status-codes
Android: How get the status-code of an HttpClient request

I want to download a file and need to check the response status code (ie HTTP /1.1 200 OK). This is a …

android httpclient httprequest http-status-codes
HTTP status code for "no data available" from an external datasource

Scenario: A POST request is sent to process an order that will result in data retrieval from an external datasource. …

http rest http-status-codes
When is it appropriate to respond with a HTTP 412 error?

It is unclear to me when you should and should not return a HTTP 412: Precondition Failed, error for a web …

rest web-services http http-status-codes http-status-code-412
Return a specific http status code in Rails

How do you return 503 Service Unavailable in Rails for the entire application? Also, how do you do the same for …

ruby-on-rails http http-status-codes http-status-code-503
Get status code http.get response angular2

I need to get the status code of the following http call and return it as a string //This method …

angular typescript angular2-services http-status-codes
How to send a status code in PHP, without maintaining an array of status names?

All I want to do, is send a 404 status code from PHP - but in a generic fashion. Both Router::…

php header http-status-codes
Http Status Code in Android Volley when error.networkResponse is null

I am using Google Volley on the Android platform. I am having a problem in which the error parameter in …

android http-status-codes android-volley
What http status code is supposed to be used to tell the client the session has timed out?

In a webpage, it uses YUI connection manager/datasource to send AJAX requests to the server, if the session (which …

php ajax yui http-status-codes