Top "Http-status-code-301" questions

The 301 or Moved Permanently error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI.

How long do browsers cache HTTP 301s?

I am debugging a problem with a HTTP 301 Permanent Redirect. After a quick test, it seems that Safari clears its …

http http-status-code-301
Redirecting 404 error with .htaccess via 301 for SEO etc

I couldn't find a straight answer to my question and need to know it from the real experts. I had …

.htaccess redirect seo http-status-code-301
PHP header redirect 301 - what are the implications?

I have If the user is logged in, it should load automatically where X is …

php redirect header http-status-code-301
.htaccess 301 redirect of single page

After a site redesign, I've got a couple of pages that need to be redirected. Everything is staying on the …

php .htaccess seo http-status-code-301
Apache 301 Redirect and preserving post data

I have implemented SEO URLs using Apache 301 redirects to a 'redirect.cfm' in the root of the website which handles …

apache rewrite http-post http-status-code-301
What's the difference between HTTP 301 and 308 status codes?

What's the difference between HTTP 301 and 308 status codes? 301 (Moved Permanently): This and all future requests should be directed to the …

http http-status-code-301 http-status-codes http-status-code-308
Intercepting backend 301/302 redirects (proxy_pass) and rewriting to another location block possible?

We have a couple of backends sitting behind our nginx front ends. Is it possible to intercept 301 / 302 redirects sent by …

redirect nginx http-status-code-301 reverse-proxy http-status-code-302
Redirect all request from old domain to new domain

I am looking to migrate from old domain to new domain. I have my old domain and new …

apache .htaccess http-status-code-301
Redirect multiple domains to one domain (with or without www before)

I have about 18 domains that need to be redirected to a new one. It has to work both with or …

.htaccess redirect web http-status-code-301 multiple-domains