Intercepting backend 301/302 redirects (proxy_pass) and rewriting to another location block possible?

anonymous-one picture anonymous-one · Nov 27, 2013 · Viewed 37.2k times · Source

We have a couple of backends sitting behind our nginx front ends.

Is it possible to intercept 301 / 302 redirects sent by these backends and have nginx handle them?

We were thinging something alone the lines of:

error_page 302 = @target;

But I doubt 301/302 redirects can be handled the same as 404's etc etc... I mean, error_page probably doesnt apply to 200, etc error codes?

So to summarize:

Our backends send back 301/302s once in a while. We would like to have nginx intercept these, and rewrite them to another location block, where we could do any number of other things with them.




Tuomo Kestilä picture Tuomo Kestilä · Sep 24, 2014

You could use proxy_redirect directive:

Nginx will still return 301/302 to the client but proxy_redirect will modify Location header and the client should make a new request to the URL given in the Location header.

Something like this should make the subsequent request back to nginx:

proxy_redirect http://upstream:port/ http://$http_host/;