Top "Homography" questions

A homography is an invertible mapping from points in the the real projective plane to points in the real projective plane that maps straight lines to straight lines.

How to calculate Rotation and Translation matrices from homography?

I have already done the comparison of 2 images of same scene which are taken by one camera with different view …

computer-vision emgucv homography
Opencv virtually camera rotating/translating for bird's eye view

I've a calibrated camera where I exactly know the intrinsic and extrinsic data. Also the height of the camera is …

opencv rotation translation homography
RANSAC Algorithm

Can anybody please show me how to use RANSAC algorithm to select common feature points in two images which have …

image-processing detect homography ransac corner-detection
OpenCV C++ - findHomography values meaning

I've already check on stackOverflaw and especially in this link but it didn't answer to my question. I compute an …

c++ opencv matching homography ransac
What is the difference between the fundamental, essential and homography matrices?

I have two images that are taken from different positions. The 2nd camera is located to the right, up and …

opencv transform homography perspectivecamera projective-geometry
OpenCV: Strange rotation and translation matrices from decomposeHomographyMat

I am trying to solve a plane2plane projection problem using the findHomography function found in the OpenCV library. As …

c++ opencv homography
How to check if obtained homography matrix is good?

This question was already asked, but I still don't get it. I obtain a homography matrix by calling cv::findHomography …

opencv image-processing computer-vision homography ransac
How to estimate 2D similarity transformation (linear conformal, nonreflective similarity) in OpenCV?

I'm trying to search a specific object in input images by matching SIFT descriptors and finding the transformation matrix by …

opencv image-processing computer-vision affinetransform homography
Homography and Affine Transformation

Hi i am a beginner in computer vision and i wish to know what exactly is the difference between a …

opencv computer-vision terminology affinetransform homography
Drawing rectangle around detected object using SURF

I am trying to detect an object from the following code involving surf detector, I do not want to draw …

opencv surf object-detection homography