This question was already asked, but I still don't get it. I obtain a homography matrix by calling cv::findHomography
from a set of points. I need to check whether it's relevant or not.
The proposed method is to calculate maximum reprojection error for inliers and compare it with a threshold. But after such filtration I keep getting insane transformations with object bounding box transforming to almost a straight line or some strange non-convex quadrangle, with self-intersections etc.
What constraints can be used to check if the homography matrix itself is adequate?
Your question is mathematical. Given a matrix of 3x3 decide whether it represents a good rigid transformation. It is hard to define what is "good" but here are some clues that can help you
I think that if you check the above 3 condition (condition 2 is the most important) you will be able to detect most of the problems. Good luck