Top "Homography" questions

A homography is an invertible mapping from points in the the real projective plane to points in the real projective plane that maps straight lines to straight lines.

Computing camera pose with homography matrix based on 4 coplanar points

I have 4 coplanar points in a video (or image) representing a quad (not necessarily a square or rectangle) and I …

opencv computer-vision augmented-reality homography
Calculating scale, rotation and translation from Homography matrix

I am trying to calculate scale, rotation and translation between two consecutive frames of a video. So basically I matched …

c++ opencv video matrix homography
Android OpenCV Find Largest Square or Rectangle

This might have been answered but I desperately need an answer for this. I want to find the largest square …

android opencv homography
How to apply RANSAC in Python OpenCV

Can someone show me how to apply RANSAC to find the best 4 feature matching points and their corresponding (x,y) …

python opencv homography ransac
findHomography, getPerspectiveTransform, & getAffineTransform

This question is on the OpenCV functions findHomography, getPerspectiveTransform & getAffineTransform What is the difference between findHomography and getPerspectiveTransform?. My …

c++ opencv affinetransform homography
HOW TO use Homography to transform pictures in OpenCV?

I've two pictures (A and B) slightly distorted one from the other, where there are translation, rotation and scale differences …

opencv transformation distortion homography
OpenCV cv::findHomography runtime error

I am using to compile and run code from Features2D + Homography to find a known object tutorial, and I …

c++ opencv object-detection homography
OpenCV Homography, Transform a point, what is this code doing?

I'm working with a homography calculated by OpenCV. I currently use this homography to transform points using the function below. …

opencv matrix transform perspective homography
Calculate camera world position with OpenCV Python

I want to calculate my camera's position in world coordinates. This should be fairly easy, but I don't get the …

python opencv computer-vision augmented-reality homography
Using estimateRigidTransform instead of findHomography

The example in the link below is using findHomography to get the transformation between two sets of points. I want …

c++ opencv transformation homography ransac