Top "Homography" questions

A homography is an invertible mapping from points in the the real projective plane to points in the real projective plane that maps straight lines to straight lines.

How to estimate homography using RANSAC on SIFT mathing results

In image matching, with Matlab, I found a vector of correspondences of two images using Sift and now I have …

matlab sift homography matlab-cvst
How to get rotation, translation, shear from a 3x3 Homography matrix in c#

I calculated the 3x3 homography matrix and I need to get rotation, translation, shear and scale to use them as …

c# windows-8 transformation homography
What do the values of the mask parameter returned by findHomography represent?

I am using the function findHomography of OpenCV with the RANSAC method in order to find the homography that relates …

c++ opencv computer-vision homography ransac
What do the elements in a homography matrix mean?

I'm new to image processing, but I'm using EMGU for C# image analysis. However, I know the homography matrix isn't …

matrix emgucv homography
Extract transform and rotation matrices from homography?

I have 2 consecutive images from a camera and I want to estimate the change in camera pose: I calculate the … opencv matrix emgucv homography
Getting the 5 points used by RANSAC in findHomography (OpenCV for Android)

In OpenCV for Android, the function org.opencv.Calib3d.findHomography(..) returns the homogeneous transformation matrix. For example, this only …

android opencv homography
4-point transform images

I need to transform bitmap images with their 4 corner points moved from one location to another. Any code that can …

c# image-manipulation homography
OpenCV: RANSAC confidence parameter for finding a homography

The OpenCV function findhomography() finds a homographic transformation between matching points of two images. (See Definition) For finding matching subsets …

image-processing opencv homography