Top "Handlebars.js" questions

Handlebars is a templating library for JavaScript.

How to iterate over array in handlebar template without defined name in model

I have model: [ { "ID": 5, "email": "[email protected]" }, { "ID": 6495, "email": "[email protected]" } ] Code for iterating in handlebars: {{#each xxx}} &…

backbone.js handlebars.js marionette
Ember.Component (block form): more than one outlet {{yield}}

I see that ember has a very nice mechanism for wrapping content in a component using the {{yield}} mechanism documented …

ember.js handlebars.js ember.js-view
css files not found using express-handlebars

I'm using express-handlebars to render some html pages. The browser is not finding the css files that I'm linking to. …

node.js express handlebars.js express-handlebars
inline javascript within handlebars template

Is there no way to have an inline script within a Handlebars template? <script type="text/x-handlebars"> I'm …

ember.js disqus handlebars.js
Meteor Iron Router : Passing data between routes

How do I pass data between two different routes and templates? I have a javascript file on the front end (…

javascript meteor handlebars.js iron-router
TypeError: Handlebars.registerHelper is not a function

I am brand new to node and handlebars as of two days ago so bear with me. I am trying …

javascript node.js handlebars.js handlebarshelper
Online playground to test and compile Underscore templates?

Is there any online site where we can play around with Underscore or Handlebar templates online without needing to download …

javascript underscore.js handlebars.js web-testing
handlebars: Passing variable to partial inside each

I create a list with the block helper #each, but I can't pass variables to my partial inside my each …

parameters handlebars.js partials
Reloading partials Handlebars

I'm quite new to programming and especially to handlebars. I have a div loaded with combination of jquery and handlebars …

jquery html handlebars.js partials
Recording values of radio buttons in ember

I am fairly new to Ember (using version 0.2.3). I have a component with a few computed values. They gather these …

javascript ember.js handlebars.js htmlbars