Top "Iron-router" questions

A Meteor smart package for client and server side routing in Meteor.

How to serve static content (images, fonts etc.) using iron router

I just started working with iron router on meteor. I need to show an image on homepage. I was able …

meteor meteorite iron-router
How to get the query parameters in Iron-router?

I am trying to get the query parameters in the url. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to …

meteor iron-router
Redirect after Login using Meteor and Iron Router

I'm using the built in loginButtons options with Meteor and I would like to redirect after a user logs in. …

meteor iron-router
How to pass a parameter to pathFor in Handlebars for Iron-Router with Meteorite?

I have a simple route with a parameter: this.route('article', { path: '/article/:_id', data: function() { return Articles.findOne(…

meteor meteorite handlebars.js iron-router
Meteor Iron Router get Current Path from Route with Parameters in a Template Helper

In a Template Helper I get the current path from Iron.Router (iron:router) as follows: Router.current().route.path() …

meteor iron-router
Yield Templates with meteor and iron router

I am using the new blaze-integration branch of IR and have made the necessary changes for an existing application. I …

javascript meteor iron-router
Redirecting not logged-in users with iron-router... Again

I am fighting with the common need for redirecting a user to a login page if he is not logged-in (…

meteor iron-router
Passing query parameters using Router.go in iron router

I am trying to pass query parameters in Router.go like below: var filter = 'abc'; var path = Router.current() &&…

meteor iron-router
How to check for Route through route name in template with Meteor and Iron Router

What can I use in a template to figure out the route name that is associated with the route that …

javascript meteor iron-router
How to properly set checkbox checked attribute from reactive data source on render

I have multiple checkboxes whose checked attributes represent boolean values in a collection. My code properly tracks the click event …

meteor iron-router