How to serve static content (images, fonts etc.) using iron router

Goje87 picture Goje87 · Jan 24, 2014 · Viewed 27.1k times · Source

I just started working with iron router on meteor. I need to show an image on homepage. I was able to configure route for 'home' using the client side routing. For static files I tried to google and found that adding a server side route might help. So, I added the following code on server's router.js. {
    this.route('files', {
        path: '/files/:path(*)',
        action: function() {
            var path = this.params.path;

            console.log('will serve static content @ '+path);

When I try to access http://localhost:3000/files/someImage.png, it says that no route is defined for /files/someImage.png. Am I doing something wrong? Is there any other way to serve static files using iron router?


David Weldon picture David Weldon · Jan 24, 2014

Instead of doing all this, you can just put the files under your public directory. If you add the file:


You can access it from your templates like:

<img src="/images/kitten.png">

No routes are needed to make that work.

Beware of overlooking the lead slash.

<img src="images/kitten.png">

the above example will work from your top level routes like /books which makes it easy to miss, but fail on /books/pages.