Top "Handlebars.js" questions

Handlebars is a templating library for JavaScript.

node.js and Handlebars: HTML compiled is escaped

Im using handlebars in a node aplication, and I have trouble. This is the template index.html {{CONTENT}} This is …

node.js handlebars.js template-engine html-escape-characters
Handlebars with Express: different html head for different pages

I am using Handlebars in an Express Node.js app. My layout.html file includes a <head> section. …

express handlebars.js
How to do commenting in emberjs script handlebars?

Can anybody tell me how to include commented code in emberjs handlebars templates? <script id="restaurantDetail" data-template-name='restaurantDetail' type="…

ember.js sproutcore handlebars.js
How to do multiline comment with conditional statements in ember.js script handlebars?

I'm learning ember.js and would like to sometimes deactivate some chunks of code. I know {{! }} works for single-line commenting …

ember.js handlebars.js
app.set and app.engine in Express

I am following a Node.js tutorial. Two lines for which I am not sure are: app.set('view engine', …

node.js express handlebars.js template-engine
How to use Handlebars ternary helper?

Following this answer, I wrote a helper like module.exports.register = function (Handlebars) { Handlebars.registerHelper('ternary', function(test, yes, no) { …

handlebars.js assemble
How to add comments into a mustache template?

In my Mustache template, I would like to comment a couple of lines, but I am unable to do it. …

handlebars.js mustache
HandleBars .Net If Comparision

I use Handlebars .NET for my mail templates so i generate template at server side width ASP.NET MVC. I …

c# handlebars.js mustache
Using variables for a partial template

I'm definitely missing something about the way Handlebars works. I need to call different partials depending on the value of …

handlebars.js partials
How to define Handlebar.js templates in an external file

I am currently defining my Handlebars templates within the same HTML file in which they will be used. Is it …

templates handlebars.js loading external